الأرشيف: Projects

9- Coordination & submitting request to connect the station to the SEC and following up until the station are connected to the grid and the meter installation

Coordination & submitting request to connect the station to the SEC and following up until the station are connected to the grid and the meter installation

7- مراجعة واعتماد الرسومات التنفيذية والرسومات المبنية

Reviewing and approving shop drawings and as built drawings

8- التنسيق مع وزارة الشؤون البلدية والقروية

Coordination with MOMRA

5- Attending meetings with the contractor & owner & any stakeholders to discuss the progress of the project and Participate in finding solutions to any technical problems or difficulties

Attending meetings with the contractor & owner & any stakeholders to discuss the progress of the project and Participate in finding solutions to any technical problems or difficulties

6- Reviewing & approval of materials according to international standards & SEC specifications & standards and metrology authority

Reviewing & approval of materials according to international standards & SEC specifications & standards and metrology authority

4- الإشراف الفني والهندسي على تنفيذ المشروع

Technical and engineering supervision on the implementation of project

2- Nominating the appropriate contractor to implement the project & awarding the tender and negotiating prices

Nominating the appropriate contractor to implement the project & awarding the tender and negotiating prices

3- صياغة عقود التنفيذ

Drafting implementation contracts

1- طرح العطاءات على المقاولين المعتمدين واستلام عروض الأسعار وإجراء التحليل الكامل وإجراء المقارنة الفنية والمالية بين العروض

Inviting tenders to approved contractors, receiving quotations, making a full analysis and making a technical and financial comparison between the offers

8. مخطط الناهض بما في ذلك تخطيط مسار علبة الكابلات

Riser diagram including Cable Tray pathing Layout

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